29 May Geotek’s Mobile Laboratory to be Installed Aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough
We are very pleased to announce that a Geotek mobile Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) laboratory will be installed aboard one of the world’s most advanced polar research vessels, the RRS Sir David Attenborough (SDA). After our recent multi-instrument installation at the British Geological Survey, Geotek are extremely proud to be part of another exciting and important UK Scientific endeavour, that aims to tackle some of the largest and most contentious questions in modern climate and environmental science.

SDA On Ice. Copyright Rolls Royce.
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is an institute of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), delivering world-leading research in the Polar regions and home to an impressive body of research stations and ships. With their two existing research vessels (RRS James Clark Ross and RRS Ernest Shackleton) approaching the end of their 25 year lifespan, an exciting opportunity to invest in a brand-new, state-of-the-art polar research platform presented itself. In October 2016, construction of the RRS Sir David Attenborough began, with its first expedition in the remote polar regions scheduled for 2019 onward.
Alongside the wide range of scientific facilities on board, the SDA also has increased room for containerised laboratories. Among the acoustic instruments, biological sampling gear, and rock drilling capabilities, BAS are purchasing a custom Geotek 20ft containerised laboratory, equipped with an automated multi-sensor core Logger (MSCL-S). Undisturbed seafloor sediments and rocks uncover the history of the Antarctic continent, and the containerised multi-sensor core logger will be used to non-destructively acquire crucial scientific data from these sediments and rocks in near-real time, whilst the SDA is deployed in the Antarctic.
The UK is one of over thirty countries that is operating in scientific research facilities in Antarctica, with the vision to help society adapt to a changing world. Geotek are very much looking forward to being involved in continuing and enhancing the UK’s extensive polar exploration and research capability.
To learn more about Geotek’s mobile services, click here, or contact us.