Standard Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL-S)
Multi-Sensor Capability
Geotek’s standard Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL-S) is recognised as a crucial step in many geological coring workflows, including those for palaeoclimate, mineral exploration, geometallurgy, oil and gas, nuclear or geotechnical. The MSCL-S operates by automatically moving core samples past a series of sensors. The MSCL-S benefits from a modular configuration allowing for a range of petrophysical and geochemical sensor technology to be integrated onto one core scanning system, producing a single depth co-registered data set.
The MSCL-S may accept either whole/split unconsolidated sediment cores in liners, or whole/slabbed rock cores with or without a liner. Depending on the requirements of the project, each MSCL-S system can be setup to take depth co-registered measurements for each sensor between 1 mm and 100 mm intervals downcore with a position accuracy of better than 0.1 mm. Furthermore, if new technology becomes available, or research focus changes, the MSCL-S system can be upgraded with new sensors to ensure longevity of the scanning system.
The MSCL-S is field-proven with Geotek and many of our customers routinely installing their core scanner in remote onshore locations, or offshore laboratories aboard ships or platforms. Geotek can also provide containerised laboratory solutions for customers.
Set up for a variety of core types
The MSCL-S accepts nearly any form of core material, including whole or split rock core samples and whole or split unconsolidated sediment samples in plastic or metal liners. The system is capable of logging core sections of up to 1.55 m with a maximum diameter of 150 mm.
Unlock the full value of your core material
The simultaneous and depth co-registered acquisition of multi-sensor data provides the perfect foundation for the analysis of geological stratigraphy, and to uncover parametric relationships that define different geological units that might have previously been hidden or unidentified.
Whilst each individual dataset is equally valuable, the real advantage of acquiring multiple parameters is the ability to correlate between disparate data sets and deliver integrated vertical downcore profiles to aid in the identification of core lithology, heterogeneity, and facilitate analytical data comparisons of materials between core locations or between core and downhole data.
Importantly, MSCL-S data acquisition is entirely non-destructive and creates a permanent digital archive for future reference, permitting the investigation of archived core material or core material that is scheduled for future destructive testing.